Saturday, January 30, 2010
Baby Language
I realize that this is an older video that aired a year ago, and while I'm not a fan of the Oprah show, I think this information is very worth sharing! :-)
Here's the link (Since I can't seem to get the embedding code to work...)
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
And Baby Makes 13
I'd like to "officially" announce that my family and I are expecting baby #11 in mid-June, and are so excited for this added blessing!But I think I need to explain more about why we are welcoming an eleventh child into our family.
When I first realized I was pregnant, I am ashamed to say that I was sullen and angry. I had been so sure that we were "done"-- that ten children were quite enough for me. In fact, a few months after our last baby was born, I was encouraging my husband to get a vasectomy, and he was seriously considering it. But before we went forward with something so permanent, we decided to talk to our bishop about it. I was sure he would tell us that we had done more than "our fair share," and that "of course," a vasectomy after ten children was quite a reasonable thing to do. I thank the heavens above that our good bishop advised us to not do anything permanent, and that if our family was complete, that we would be "done," and had nothing to worry about. He did not advocate against the use of birth control, but my biggest worry was being pregnant again-- not about raising another baby. And birth control pills simulate the pregnancy hormones, and hence, the emotions, that I wanted to avoid. We decided to prevent pregnancy in other ways and left things where they were. But I was certain that God would not send us another child. I was done!
Fast forward to this past October when I suspected I was expecting. I threw my little tantrums, asked God "why me?" and generally acted like a big grouch. But, luckily, the Lord did not give up on me. Gradually, He softened my heart, and reminded me in a thousand ways what a great gift He was giving me. I was reminded of how much I love each and every one of my children, and I looked at my family with renewed vision and appreciation.
What a merciful, trusting, and loving Father in Heaven we all have to give us these, His precious children to raise and nurture! And how these spirits deserve to have homes where they will be welcomed and loved with open arms and grateful hearts.
EVERY baby is a blessing and a gift. What kind of ungrateful people are we who would reject the blessings of God that He wants to bestow upon us? "Thanks, but no thanks"? Accepting the blessings the Lord has in store for us is another way of showing our love and gratitude to Him.
One of my favorite quotes of all time is by an amazing woman who acknowledged and recognized children for what they are: gifts from a loving Heavenly Father. She said,
"How can you have too many children?
That's like saying there are too many flowers"
~ Mother Teresa
Fellow mothers, I wish you all the flowers in your gardens that the Lord wishes to bless you with, whether your garden is small or large, homegrown, or adopted. :-) And may God bless you in your mothering efforts!!!
Friday, January 15, 2010
(Image from
I don't have much to say tonight, only that my thoughts and prayers are with the people of Haiti at this time. I so wish I could do more!!!
In case anyone out there feels the same, and doesn't know where to start, I recommend donating to the following charity: LDS Philanthropies (Because the year-round Humanitarian efforts of the LDS church are funded by its members, and because all their humanitarian workers are volunteers, and not paid, more of the money you send will get to the Haitian people, and not to non-profit overhead costs.)
If I could adopt half a dozen Haitian children right now, I would in a heartbeat. I pray that the Lord will comfort and help the people of Haiti.
I'm hugging my babies a little tighter tonight.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Happy New Year!!!
In honor of starting the new year out right, I wanted to share the following:
Motherhood in the Animal Kingdom
On the riverbank...
Doesn't it bring a tear to your eye and a lump to your throat...??