
Saturday, June 19, 2010

New Baby!

At 10:19pm on Monday evening, our new baby GIRL swam into the world after a short and wonderful home birth. We're so glad she's here!!!

She weighed 7 pounds and 2 ounces...

And was 20 inches long.

She's getting lots of attention and love.

She's definitely a keeper! :-)


  1. HIP HIP HOORAY!!!! Hope both Mama and baby continue to be healthy and recover well from the whole birthing process. Enjoy all her lovely newborness!

  2. Congratulations to you, your DH and all the siblings! She's lovely, such cute hair.

  3. yeah! congratulations Rachel!

  4. Congratulations! Such a sweet face. So glad that everything went well.

  5. she's gorgeous!!!! congratulations and many blessings!

  6. congratulations, Rachel! She's very beautiful.

  7. congratulations. She is beautiful. I'm glad you are all enjoying her so much. special times

  8. CONGRADULATIONS! We've been wondering if you'd had that sweet little one yet! She is beautiful! Hope you're all doing well
    and enjoying that sweet spirit so recent from HEAVEN.
    We love you!
    Cami Munson
    P.S. Kassidy I sure will need to send her own post as soon as I see her.

  9. Oh she is sooo beautiful!! We are expecting our baby boy just any day now and are hopingn for our first water birth as well. Praise the Lord for this new life of yours. She's just gorgeous with that blonde hair!!!
    Bambi in Tx

  10. If you ever decide she isn't a keeper, let me know. I'll keep her. she's adorable.

  11. What a beautiful baby. Congrats, a little late since I just found your blog though! I too love those homebirths. Having had hospital births and homebirths I definitely choose to be home.


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