
Tuesday, September 14, 2010


The other day, I was looking at some artwork painted by a talented mother, and found myself wishing that I had her skill. I began to compare myself to her further, noting that she was thin, and lovely, and seemed to have it "all together."

Luckily, I snapped out of it, and started counting my own blessings. I have a house full of beautiful children. I have a husband who thinks I'm pretty hot, even if the world might not think so. ;-) I have my own strengths and talents that I enjoy, and I'm making my own impact on society.

Some days, when I read an inspiring blog post, see a beautifully decorated home, or admire a wonderful woman's appearance, I tend to second-guess my choices. I get distracted by the seemingly-perfect life and skills of other women.

Then a thought strikes me: NONE of us are perfect, but each one of us are a Daughter of God! We've each been blessed with talents, goals, and ideas of our own. We do not have to change who we are, just because we see the beauty in what other women do. Our different talents can unite us, IF we appreciate one another without becoming discouraged or critical of our own efforts.

When we can honestly appreciate one another, without comparing ourselves to others, we can truly enrich the world. Let's all start loving ourselves AND others today. What a powerful thought! :-)


  1. I think comparing ourselves to others is one of our greatest challenges as women today. Society tells us we need to be skinny, beautiful, organized, pleasant, powerful, etc., etc. --basically perfect! It can be daunting and Satan loves to use this against us. The challenge is really to admire each other and learn from each other, but not be jealous.

    You are fabulous! I often look at you and wish I could be more like you. :-)

  2. Thank you, Rachel. I've been feeling really overwhelmed and underappreciated lately. This is a wonderful perspective!

  3. Oh my goodness I needed this reminder today! For the first time ever I'm a soccer mom this year and comparing myself to some of those other moms in all their perceived perfection (their french manicure toenails!) nearly has me in tears some days. Great post!

  4. It is so easy to fall into this "comparing" thing. I always have to step back and think, "Wow, what a wonderful world God has given us, the talents and difference found in each person are such a blessing to all."

    It really is what makes the world go around. What a great post.

  5. Great insight. Thanks for sharing. I hope you don't mind, but I quoted you on my blog,

  6. Thanks, ladies! And thanks, Jana! :-D Let's all be our own brand of wonderful today!



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