Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Taking Relationships for Granted

This amazing video touched my heart deeply today, and makes me examine my relationship with my dear husband. Am I taking his love and kindnesses for granted? When was the last time I thanked him for all he does for me and our children?

I am so very blessed-- I think I'll go let my dear husband know how he enriches my life.

(Enjoy this AWESOME video!)


  1. Loved the thoughts and the video. It is always good to remember to love and appreciate the spouse we have been blessed with for eternity.
    Thanks for sharing this post.
    Blessings to you! LeAnn

  2. that was so beautiful! where do you find these things?

  3. Hi Mama Rachel - I like what you do...and I'm excited to come back to your blog often in 2011! Thanks for bringing back old fashioned mothering to those who strive to preserve it!


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