
Sunday, February 26, 2012

It's All about Your Heart

Here in my little corner of the blog-iverse, I share some pretty strong opinions on marriage, having children, being more feminine, etc.. Many of my posts are a bit heavy-handed-- I want you to know I recognize that.

And because of my strongly-worded posts, I'm sure there are probably some women who come here and think: 
"We can't all have large families."
"What about those of us who struggle with infertility?"
"I'm single and lonely."
"I was a victim of abuse, and you're telling me that modern women treat their husbands badly?"
"You. Are. NUTS."

As I state clearly in my side bar, the thoughts I express here do not neatly fit in with the accepted philosophies of society at large. They are not meant to; I have no desire to "fit in." However, I am not seeking to drive away any woman who is hurting, who is seeking, who is needing support and love.

What I AM trying to do with my blog scribblings is to help, encourage, lift-- and yes, MOTHER the mothers and women who come here. I don't write for popularity or acceptance. I created the OFM blog to impact mothers for the better, to encourage them to raise their sights higher and look at the role of motherhood in a new, exciting way.

I have come to know many amazing women in my life and through my ramblings here, and I am in constant awe of the valiant souls and tender hearts that God has given to us, as His daughters.

To me, Old-Fashioned Motherhood is all about the state of our hearts. Are we hard and resistant to the Lord and His plan for happiness? Or are we willing to be formed and shaped under His mighty hands?

When we embrace God's plans for our lives, we are living up to our potential. That doesn't mean we don't have problems, or that life flows smoothly and perfectly onward. And it does not mean that we will receive everything that our hearts desire. But it does mean that we have our Heavenly Father on our side, loving us, helping us, lifting us every step along the way.

My goal is not to preach, but to uplift! And as I write, I am giving myself the same pep talk I am sharing with all of you.

It really is all about the state of our hearts, which manifests clearly in our willingness to follow God's plans. 

As I've been writing this post, a favorite song of mine has been playing in my head. It's meant to be a love song, but when I hear it, I also feel like much of it is the Lord speaking to His lovely daughters.

May the Lord continue to bless and uplift us all as we strive to give Him our very best efforts.



  1. Pres. Julie B. Beck acknowledged that in the matter of having children we will be judged on the desires of our hearts. Thank goodness for that--only our Father in Heaven knows us well enough to judge. Thank you for all your uplifting and encouraging words.

  2. I'd really hard to say things that need to be said! You are much better at it than I am! =D I am SO grateful for your example and influence, and for your courage to inspire us all! When I grow up, I'd like to be just like you! =)

  3. As I first started reading this post I thought of that EXACT song and then you posted it too! Ha! We must be on the same mother-brainwave. ( : I appreciate what you do here- it takes courage- and good writing to get the message across.

  4. I would like to pre-order your book!

  5. This was a lovely post and I do enjoy your open and true thoughts. Keep up being a great example of Motherhood, parenting and family.

  6. Everyone has a different life experience. I love to read about yours, and your views on motherhood. I have been studying Galileo, and he once said that he never met anyone he could not learn from.

    If only we could all feel that way!

    There is always something to learn--even if people disagree or come from different circumstances.

    Although your passionate opinions show through, I have never once thought that you did not have compassion or understanding for others.

    Keep speaking up!! I love it!

  7. I am inspired every time I read your posts! I think you are wonderful and can't wait to have a copy of your book and say that you are my dear dear cousin!!!

    And I may just have to plan a trip down south to get out of this snow and have you help recreate my blog with me!! I think you are amazing!

  8. I am so excited to see this blog of yours! I was even more excited to see TJEd on your side bar. I love the books, website, and concept but am having an extremely hard time stepping away from the textbooks...Help! Tell me how you take that leap of faith to completely let go of how the public school system does it and do it the classic way...The TJEd me I would love to chat with you on this subject...and probably many other too. :)

  9. Just like our prophets and church authorities - I love that you have an attitude of straight forwardness and telling it like it is. Very refreshing. I'm glad I found your blog. I'll definitely be a follower. We obviously have the same core values.

    I found you through Mormon Moms. Please feel free to check out my blog as well.


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