
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Priorities as a Mother

"Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved." 
~Thomas S. Monson

I am embarrassed to admit that I too often have a weakness for being caught up in the unimportant and brushing aside the things that are important to my children.

Today I need the following reminders:
  • My children are not distractions from my work-- they ARE my work!
  • Nurturing my family includes the mundane tasks as well as being present for the pivotal crossroads of life. And both are my calling and mission from God. 
  • God is counting on me to love and raise these children to become the people that he needs them to be.
  • My efforts in my home are ETERNAL. My efforts with my projects and business are only temporary.
TODAY I will focus on the hearts of my children, rather than the scope of my influence out in the world.

TODAY I will be the mother God and my children need me to be.

TODAY I will keep my focus and priorities where they should be.

I know I can do it, with the Lord's help.

Mama Rachel

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