
Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Rise Up

We live in a day and age where goodness is not championed.

We live in a time where the virtue of women is not defended and protected.

We live in a world where motherhood is undervalued, dismissed, and even ridiculed.

So what can we do???

We can stand up for the good, the praise-worthy, the lovely, and the divine.

We can proudly live virtuous lives, and show the world what a woman with strong standards looks like.

We can defend our homes and our children from evil influences and loose morality.

We can treat the service we give in motherhood as the divine calling from God that it is. 

We can nurture and influence our children to live righteous lives, and to not excuse wickedness.

We truly CAN "rise up to become the women of faith and courage our Father in Heaven needs us to be."

And we can begin TODAY.

With love,
Mama Rachel

1 comment:

  1. Love. It's so difficult trying to keep evil out of the home without just completely going off the grid.


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