I am so thankful for my twelve miracles, and I feel so humbled that the Lord has entrusted them to me! We have a sacred duty to rear them in love and righteousness, and to protect them in a world of ever-shifting values.
The family is one of the greatest causes we have in society today!!!!
Counting my blessings,

That talk is one I cling to when I need a friend. His words are so reaffirming. Thanks for uplifting us, Rachel.
ReplyDeleteI watched this video the other day and while it is lovely and inspiring I thought it a sad commentary on the worldliness of our members. My husband and I didn't have to agonize over when to have children; even as a non-member he wanted to have a large family (one of the things that attracted me to him) and we didn't wait to get started. I grew up with an innate understanding that a man and a women got married to start a new family unit and to welcome children into right from the start. Sort of the "when I became a man I put away childish things" feeling. Getting married means putting away the childish "I just wanna have fun" attitude and to unselfishly invite our spirit brothers and sisters to have the gift of being born into an eternal family. I hope this video helps others to see that having children is a HUGE blessing in our lives and that when Father gives a commandment, he prepares the way for us to obey. I've raised our children telling them that it doesn't take time or money to have children it takes FAITH. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteI still remember the first time I heard that quotation years ago: "It doesn't take time of money to have children, it takes faith." That has really stuck with me! I am glad you shared this comment. Sometimes people can be shy about saying what you did, or beat around the bush scared of making someone mad or hurt, but I believe women (and men) need to hear it. Truth spoken plainly can change lives.
DeleteTo Rachel: thanks for sharing the video. I am so grateful the church leaders are sharing this message again. It brightens my day and strengthens my resolve to do my part in the Lord's plan, however that turns out for me and my family.
I wish all mothers understood this principle. Sometimes I am so saddened by the mothers I see that I just want to shake them and wake them up to what they are doing to their posterity. Sorry, I'm a bit on a rage about our current foster children's situation. It breaks my heart what so many women do to their children.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for this! We are so blessed to have the 3 we have, my heart still longs for more, but we haven't been blessed with anymore yet (not for lack of trying). It comforts me to know that He knows all! Thanks!