Forgive me for the neglect of my blog recently, but these have been very busy, and in some ways traumatic, couple of weeks for me. (For those of you reading this on Facebook: No, I am not cheating and coming back to Facebook; my blog RSS feed is attached to it! Frankly, I may never come back to stay, but that's another post for another day. Read on!)
I might be crazy busy, but I read something today that is helping me a bunch! A great blogging friend I love and admire posted some great thoughts yesterday, and I want to share them with all you wonderful ladies who read Old-Fashioned Motherhood.
Here's an excerpt of her simple, beautiful words of wisdom:
Are we pursuing the internet, book reading, TV time, shopping, crafting with the Spirit? Have we first done our family work for the day and ensured that everything is well ordered? Then with the Spirit directing us we will read the right book for the right amount of time. We will pursue worthwhile art that will bless our family. We will use the internet for a limited time to study or do family history. We will do it at the right time and for the right amount time because the Spirit will be our constant companion.Be sure to check out the full blog post HERE!
When we have the power of the Spirit, which comes from correct priorities, we will have that constant guide telling us what to do and how to live our lives. We will learn how to submit. We will have Christ has our 'living center.'