I woke up this morning to the realization that I have no room for any other blessings God may want to send me, because my home-- and life-- are stuffed to over-flowing. You know what I'm talking about, sisters; papers, old toys no one plays with, clothes you hate or that are too small/out-of-fashion/etc., books you don't and won't read but can't bear to part with them, cookbooks you never use, three sizes of spatulas, broken old Christmas ornaments, cracked plates, bent silverware, extra activities that make everyone stressed and life more complicated...Need I go on?!
Today is the day, my Sister-Homemakers, to banish the clutter. Actually, the rest of this month will be dedicated to de-cluttering our homes to make room for some wonderful new blessings.
When your kids whine about this-- and you know they will (Mine will, anyway!)-- remind them that they have to make room for the gifts they're begging for. I also like to remind them that there are lots of kids who won't be getting much for Christmas this year, and that they can bless the lives of poor children by being generous. (The "Guilt-Gun" is an in-born talent of mothers for a reason, ya know!)
So... post your totals (bags, boxes, whatever) in a comment to this post, and we'll see how much room we can make for Christmas Blessings this year. I can't wait to see all the good you will accomplish!On your mark...Get set...GO!!!!!!
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